About Vedic Astrology |
Vedic Forecast is a full service
Astrological Services Provider based in Toronto, Canada. We use the
principles of Vedic astrology as an analysis and forecasting system based on astronomical data which interprets the influence of stars and
planets on human affairs. It believes that the astronomical movements of
planets at the time of one's birth have a great effect on one’s actions and
events during his/her entire life time. Vedic Astrology provides an assessment about one's past, present and future; it is an integration of divine grace, science and intuition. As a science, Vedic Astrology employs astronomical/mathematical calculations and the explicit rules and formulas mainly based on the movement of planets, their correlation and planetary placements. These intricate mathematical calculations and rules and formulas are the main source of the predictive power of Vedic Astrology. Vedic Forecast will provide you information regarding the timing and nature of the events and helps to know about positive influences and opportunities and negative karmic patterns during one's life time. Our goal is to equip you with recommendations to modify negative karmic patterns and provide you with the understanding and awareness, to make positive choices to change present and future karma for the better.